<razvan paicu | web developer />

Let's code
something cool

My Portfolio

Jubilee Austen

Jubilee Austen Project
HTML 5 & CSS Website

My first large project I completed combining my skills in HTML & CSS. This project demonstrates the basic knowledge I acquired using a design comp to create the layout of a site. HTML & CSS best practices are followed, in addition to incorporating many common elements such as images, navigation and social links and utilizing the box model.

Rogue Pickings Website
HTML & CSS from Photoshop Design Comp

The capstone project for my HTML & CSS learning. This project allowed me to demonstrate my ability to code a website using only a design comp and CSS boilerplate. I was able to reinforce and expand on the skills and techniques I had learned during the Jubilee project to create a site with a different layout.

Rogue Pickings

Recipe Collection
HTML 5 & CSS Website

This was the bonus challenge I did and I would say, this is a very challenging project! It really put my CSS skill to the test! I learned some brand new CSS values and properties such as inline, block, inline-block values, vertical-align property, box-sizing property, and list-style-type property. I really enjoyed creating this recipe card!

About me

Hello, my name is Razvan! Like many others who go into web development, it was not what I originally studied in university. My career change decision came after much introspection about what would make me happy as well as keep me challenged. I can't wait to be a creative partner with you!

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